- Development and implementation of environmental projects in the priority areas of activity of the Association, for the implementation of national strategies, as well as the provisions of international treaties and European Union Directives;
- Providing consultative assistance and national and international expertise to the business environment, civil society, public authorities in the process of implementation and compliance with environmental protection legislation, in sectors such as: integrated management of waste and chemicals; environmental infrastructure; climate changes; aquatic resources; sustainable agriculture; integrated pollution prevention and control; environmental information resources; training and education in the field of environmental protection.

Legal and regulatory drafting

Technical work
- Inventory of waste dumps and compiling of the GIS database of all locations.
- Mercury initial assessment, Hg inventory.
- Elaboration of Waste Management Information System concept and software
- Elaboration of PRTR Information system concept and software , as well adapt emission estimation methodologies, based on UNEP, EMEP, IPCC, etc. guidance.
- Performing pre-feasibility assessment on to lay the institutional, legal, technical and financial groundwork necessary for establishment of the Center for Hazardous Waste Management.