Better Environment, Better Life, Better Tomorow
Who we are
Experts Association „PRO MEDIU” is a public association, established in 2020 by a team of experts in the field of environmental pollution prevention, waste and chemicals management, climate change, agriculture, sustainable development and water and wastewater management in the Republic of Moldova.
Our aims
- contributing to the improvement of the quality of the environment, by promoting and supporting the principles of good governance, according to the international environmental treaties.
- contributing to the promotion and support of a vision of sustainable and equitable development of society, based on respect for fundamental human rights, the application of innovations, in order to combat global pollution and the effects of climate change.
- supporting the activity and civic involvement in the development of the field of environmental protection to ensure a healthy living environment and access to environmental infrastructure services.
- promoting the development and application of information resources to facilitate the collection of environmental data and ensure the access of civil society, business and public authorities to environmental information.
- Atelier de lucru privind crearea Sistemului de depozit pentru ambalaje
- ANUNȚ public privind consultarea Raportului de Evaluare a Impactului asupra Mediului pentru activitatea de”Co-incinerarea deșeurilor nepericuloase în cuptorul de ciment al uzinei „Lafarge Ciment Moldova” S.A”.
- Anunț de angajare: Development of Terminal Evaluation for the project “Promoting good governance and building platforms on better coordination on sound management of chemicals and waste in the line with SAICM beyond 2020 in Moldova”
- Seminar de finalizare a proiectului „Promovarea bunei guvernări și construirea de platforme pentru o mai bună coordonare a gestionării durabile a substanțelor chimice și deșeurilor în conformitate cu abordarea SAICM post 2020 în Moldova”
- Continuăm să spunem Stop poluării cu plastic!